Angel's Feather Wiki
Shou Hamura Angel

Shou Hamura (羽村翔) is the older twin of Kai, despite looking younger. He came to the Yuusei Academy for boys as a sports student. In the beginning, when Shou was mentioned that his lost twin brother, Kai was in the same school, Shou went looking for Kai first, only to find out that Kai had completely forgotten about his older twin. Shou was adopted into a wealthy family, but unfortunately, his parents were killed in an accident. Despite this tragedy of losing his adoptive parents, he wields the personality as a strong, courageous, happy and friendly boy. He is the leader of the Kendo team in his school, as well as being the prince of the Winfield kingdom, giving him his white wings on his back.


Shou is a short teenage boy with short Linen Blonde hair and green eyes with an average build, he is often shown wearing his school uniform.


Shou is hot blooded and passionate, he is very athletic but isn’t good at studying.


“Hamura” means “feather Village”

“Shou” means “soaring”


  • Shou’s Seiyuu is Yamaguchi Kappei
  • Shou is based off of shounen boys at the time